Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Thing 3: Photo Fun

After partaking in the magical site-based learning field trip into our local community to teach students about urban, rural, and suburban communities, I wanted to market our experience so that these experiences can start to become more common. I began by playing around with some of the tools in the photo fun assignment. I didn't really find anything new that was unique and exciting until I tried the Big Huge Labs resource link. This is a pretty "bare bones" resource and didn't appeal to me right away. There were a ton of different photo options from creating movie style posters, to making film strip photos, to jigsaw puzzles and beyond. There was also a lot of advertisements on this site, which would shy me away from using it with students. However, it did end up meeting my needs really well.

I played around with several templates before discovering the best one for my needs. I started by making a magazine cover... which was cute, but didn't really work well for what I wanted. I could see this tool as something I would use for a later assignment. Here is what my product looked like:
After that I tried to make a movie poster, which again was unique, but didn't really have the effect that I was looking for.

Finally, I began exploring the motivational poster template design and found the perfect match. It was beyond simple to create these. All you need to do is upload your picture, add text into the corresponding box and submit. The one major downfall of the tool is that you really can't edit your picture in any way. You also have limited design options. Here is what I ended up creating.

I posted these on the library website and also added them to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 

I would definitely recommend this tool to anyone who is looking to market an idea, program, or experience in a unique way. There are certainly and endless amount of ways you can use this tool with students as well, if you don't mind having the advertisements. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, all your images came out great! I know what you mean about the site being very bare bones. It's been around a long time and I think it's pretty much a labor of love and only survives base on the ad revenue.
